Both or only the first, but never just the second

OK, so the title sounds more like a cryptic crossword clue rather than something that explains my question, so please feel free to make it into something more sensible if you can (and remove this sentence)...

Let's say we have two items, the items do not matter but for this example let's say the first is "fish" and the second is "chips".

If I were serving these items I might ask one of the following questions:

"Would you like fish or chips?" - implying that they could only choose one or the other.

"Would you like fish and chips?" - implying that they could only have both items together.

Now the question: Is there a word (or two) that could replace and/or in the above sentences that would imply that they can choose to have fish only, both fish and chips, or neither of them, but not chips only?

To try and clarify my requirements, here is the original example that inspired me to seek out an answer...

Originally I read the following sentence on StackOverflow (a different SE site for those that don't know):

You should probably use javascript or jQuery to accomplish this

The problem I find with this sentence is that "jQuery" is a javascript library and cannot exist without "javascript", therefore the "or" is technically inaccurate. However, to replace the "or" with "and" would also be inaccurate because you could choose only "javascript" as "jQuery" is optional (it would just make it easier). And, of course, neither can be chosen.

In the real example,

You should probably use javascript or jQuery to accomplish this

you can achieve the objective by reversing the order and adding a couple of words to emphasise the difference:

You should probably use jQuery or just plain JavaScript to accomplish this.

Thus jQuery implies JavaScript; you could have JavaScript without jQuery; or neither.

Converting comment to answer

Can/May I serve you some fish with or without chips?

UPDATE: Would of course have been lovely to have seen the original reason for the question since I have A LOT more experience with JavaScript/jQuery than fish&chips

Since JavaScript is built-in whatever device that could run jQuery, the sentence Andrew wrote, is understandable by anyone versed in the art.
jQuery is a JavaScript library so the or relates only to plain JavaScript or vanilla.js as some people like to call it now