I am using Xmonad and LXDE, so I don't want to use gnome-settings-daemon. But there is a problem - without it I cannot switch into or type in Cyrillics. I found some temporary solution - when I enter sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and click through config menu, I end with right layout. But after I reboot system it disappears and I am forced to reconfigure it again. Is there a way to make this changes permanent?

Yes edit /etc/default/keyboard to set the global settings or ~/.dmrc for per-user settings.

Example /etc/default/keyboard:


Example ~/.dmrc:

 Language=de_DE.UTF-8   # change to your default lang
 Layout=de   nodeadkeys # change to your keyboard layout

In either case, will need to also run:

 sudo udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change