How to disable slow motion effect in Mac OS X (shift key)?

Mac OS X has a fantastic feature that enables you to play window effects in slow motion by holding down the Shift key while playing the animation (like minimize, maximize, Exposé, etc...)

As a matter of fact, I don't like it! :)

How can I disable it?

Open up


defaults write FXEnableSlowAnimation -bool false

If you want to go back, use:

defaults write FXEnableSlowAnimation -bool true

You'll need to restart the Finder after running the command.

At least for me, in Yosemite 10.10.3, the following answer from our friends at Ask Different worked:

You can disable the hotkeys for slow motion effects by following these instructions:

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Go to ~/Library/Preferences by typing cd ~/Library/Preferences.

  3. Write open and press Enter.

  4. A window similar to this will open:

XCode PList Editor

  1. For items 34, 35, and 37, set enabled to NO.

  2. Restart your system.

  3. Enjoy.


  1. MacWorld
  2. In Translation