How can I make my macbook pro liquid proof? [duplicate]

As I hang around those who are toilet training, and people who really dislike macs, I'm wondering if there is any way to make my macbook pro urine proof?


What about adding a waterproof case, if any exist? I'd like to be able to use it at the same time if possible.

Solution 1:

I think you are going about this the wrong way. You are looking defensively when you should be on offense.

Consider getting something like a privacy shield to place around the urinator:

enter image description here

Another alternative might be to simply bring physical pain into the mix. Wounding the urinator that sprays wildly towards you and the Macbook might make the urinator realize that control is important.

Again, think offense...not defense.

Solution 2:

No, Apple do not sell any MacBooks that are liquid-proof.

You can buy various waterproof bags, even ones that are specifically designed for laptops such as the Aqua Quest waterproof sleeve:

…however you can't use your MacBook at the same time though!

Solution 3:

The guy near the end of this video shows how he waterproofed his iPhone. I imagine applying this method to the major components of the MBP will go a long way to ensuring "liquid" won't destroy anything.

And for disassemnly, iFixit can help you there.

So, disassemble your Macbook Pro, waterproof the components, especially the motherboard. I doubt you'll be able to submerge it afterwards, but it'll resist spills.

Also, I haven't actually done this or anything, so, you know, no lawyers.