identify groups of linked episodes which chain together

The Bioconductor package RBGL (an R interface to the BOOST graph library) contains a function, connectedComp(), which identifies the connected components in a graph -- just what you are wanting.

(To use the function, you will first need to install the graph and RBGL packages, available here and here.)

test <- data.frame(id1=c(10,10,1,1,24,8),id2=c(1,36,24,45,300,11))

## Convert your 'from-to' data to a 'node and edge-list' representation  
## used by the 'graph' & 'RBGL' packages 
g <- ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(test))

## Extract the connected components
cc <- connectedComp(g)

## Massage results into the format you're after 
ld <- lapply(seq_along(cc), 
             function(i) data.frame(group = names(cc)[i], id = cc[[i]])), ld)
#   group  id
# 1     1  10
# 2     1   1
# 3     1  24
# 4     1  36
# 5     1  45
# 6     1 300
# 7     2   8
# 8     2  11

Here's an alternative answer that I have discovered myself after the nudging in the right direction by Josh. This answer uses the igraph package. For those that are searching and come across this answer, my test dataset is referred to as an "edge list" or "adjacency list" in graph theory (

test <- data.frame(id1=c(10,10,1,1,24,8 ),id2=c(1,36,24,45,300,11))
gr.test <- graph_from_data_frame(test)
links <- data.frame(id=unique(unlist(test)),group=components(gr.test)$membership)

#   id group
#1  10     1
#2   1     1
#3  24     1
#5  36     1
#6  45     1
#7 300     1
#4   8     2
#8  11     2