What does comparison being consistent with equals mean ? What can possibly happen if my class doesn't follow this principle?

Solution 1:

Here's a simple but realistic example of what can happen if a comparison method is inconsistent with equals. In the JDK, BigDecimal implements Comparable but its comparison method is inconsistent with equals. For example:

> BigDecimal z = new BigDecimal("0.0")
> BigDecimal zz = new BigDecimal("0.00")
> z.compareTo(zz)
> z.equals(zz)

This is because the comparison method of BigDecimal considers only the numeric value, but equals also considers the precision. Since 0.0 and 0.00 have different precisions, they are unequal even though they have the same numeric value. (For an explanation, see this answer.)

Here's an example of what it means for a TreeSet to violate the general contract of Set. (It's the same situation with TreeMap and Map but it's a bit easier to demonstrate using sets.) Let's compare the results of contains to the result of getting the element out of the set and calling equals:

> TreeSet<BigDecimal> ts = new TreeSet<>()
> ts.add(z)
> ts.contains(z)
> z.equals(ts.iterator().next())
> ts.contains(zz)
> zz.equals(ts.iterator().next())

The surprising thing here is that the TreeSet says it contains the object zz, but it's unequal to the element that's actually contained in the set. The reason is that TreeSet uses its comparison method (BigDecimal.compareTo) to determine set membership, not equals.

Now let's compare TreeSet to HashSet:

> HashSet<BigDecimal> hs = new HashSet<>(ts)
> hs.equals(ts)
> ts.contains(zz)
> hs.contains(zz)

This is strange. We have two sets that are equal, but one set says that it contains an object but another set says that it doesn't contain the same object. Again, this reflects the fact that TreeSet is using the comparison method whereas HashSet is using equals.

Now let's add the other object to a HashSet and see what happens:

> HashSet<BigDecimal> hs2 = new HashSet<>()
> hs2.add(zz)
> ts.equals(hs2)
> hs2.equals(ts)

Now that's weird. One set says it's equal to the other, but the other set says it's not equal to the first! To understand this, you need to understand how equality of sets is determined. Two sets are considered equal if a) they are of the same size, and b) each element in the other set is also contained in this set. That is, if you have


then the equality algorithm looks at the sizes and then it iterates over set2, and for each element it checks whether that element is contained in set1. That's where the asymmetry comes in. When we do


both sets are of size 1, so we proceed to the iteration step. We iterate over hs2 and use then call the TreeSet.contains method -- which uses the comparison method. As far as the TreeSet is concerned, it's equal to the HashSet hs2.

Now when we do


the comparison goes the other way. We iterate over the TreeSet and get its element, and ask hs2 whether it contains that element. Since the HashSet.contains uses equals, it returns false, and the overall result is false.

Solution 2:

Say we have this simple Student class implementing Comparable<Student> but not overriding equals()/hashCode(). Of course equals() is not consistent with compareTo() - two different students with the same age aren't equal:

class Student implements Comparable<Student> {

    private final int age;

    Student(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public int compareTo(Student o) {
        return this.age - o.age;

    public String toString() {
        return "Student(" + age + ")";

We can safely use it in TreeMap<Student, String>:

Map<Student, String> students = new TreeMap<Student, String>();
students.put(new Student(25), "twenty five");
students.put(new Student(22), "twenty two");
students.put(new Student(26), "twenty six");
for (Map.Entry<Student, String> entry : students.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(students.get(new Student(22)));

The results are easy to predict: students are nicely sorted according to their age (despite being inserted in different order) and fetching student using new Student(22) key works as well and returns "twenty two". This means we can safely use Student class in TreeMap.

However change students to HashMap and things go bad:

Map<Student, String> students = new HashMap<Student, String>();

Obviously the enumeration of items returns "random" order due to hashing - that's fine, it doesn't violate any Map contract. But the last statement is completely broken. Because HashMap uses equals()/hashCode() to compare instances, fetching value by new Student(22) key fails and returns null!

This is what the JavaDoc tries to explain: such classes will work with TreeMap but might fail to work with other Map implementations. Note that Map operations are documented and defined in terms of equals()/hashCode(), e.g. containsKey():

[...] returns true if and only if this map contains a mapping for a key k such that (key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k))

Thus I don't believe there are any standard JDK classes that implemente Comparable but fail to implement equals()/hashCode() pair.

Solution 3:

The contract of the Comparable interface allows for non-consistent behaviour:

It is strongly recommended (though not required) that natural orderings be consistent with equals.

So in theory, it is possible that a class in the JDK had a compareTo not consistent with equals. One good example is BigDecimal.

Below is a contrived example of a comparator that is not consistent with equals (it basically says that all strings are equal).


size: 1
content: {a=b}

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<String, String> brokenMap = new TreeMap<String, String> (new Comparator<String>() {

        public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
            return 0;

    brokenMap.put("a", "a");
    brokenMap.put("b", "b");
    System.out.println("size: " + brokenMap.size());
    System.out.println("content: " + brokenMap);