Launch apps full screen

I quite like using full-screen apps on OSX Mavericks (Safari, iTunes, Mail, etc). I'd like all apps that are capable of running full-screen to launch in full-screen mode automatically, instead of me having to press Ctrl-Cmd-F each time, is that possible?

You can use automator to create an application that will launch the application that you want to open in full screen and run an apple script. The script can perform a keystroke to run the shortcut for full screen.

Launch Automator, Choose Application, Drag "Launch Application" from library and choose desired app, Drag "Apple Script" from library, enter apple script (check with specific app for correct keystroke), this works for chrome

here is the script for google chrome fullscreen app:

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
    delay 2

tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "f" using {command down, control down}
end tell


[Automator Screenshot[1]

Link with tutorial to create Automator Full screen application

I realized the answer to this question well long after I had the problem. I kept trying to use several work arounds until I realized that feature hadn't been removed, but rather rolled into a different set of features.

Most full-screen apps don't remain open because it's a type of window state. By default, under General, the setting "Close windows when quitting an app" is turned on, which means the window you have saved will be closed and return to it's default state.

To retain full-screen, or your previous window preferences, you need to turn off this setting!

General Preferences Window Setting