Android: Is onResume always called after onCreate?

I need to know if there is ever an instance when onResume will be called before onCreate has been called at least once. Thanks.

Edit: Judging by the activity life cycle, it doesn't seem so. But I want to double check.

Solution 1:

onResume() will never be called before onCreate().

Read more about it in the Activity Lifecycle

Activity Lifecycle

Solution 2:

onResume() will always be called when the activity goes into foreground, but it will never be executed before onCreate().

Solution 3:

This is basic activity life cycle which would help you understand better

you can refer the website for more details

Solution 4:

I had an issue in which overridden onCreate was not getting called. I tried debugging and logging and i found oncreate not getting called.

Turns out that i override wrong onCreate

    public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState, @Nullable PersistableBundle persistentState) {
        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState, persistentState);

This is the correct one.

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Posting in the hope that it might help some poor soul. :)

So the correct onCreate() will always get called before onResume

Solution 5:

Note: This answer only an additional one to complement the accepted answers.

As previous answers say:

onResume() will never be called before onCreate().

Read more about it in the Activity Lifecycle and Starting an Activity.

Below the complete image of Activity lifecycle including Fragment Lifecycle from android-lifecycle:

enter image description here