Show names of everything in a package

Is there an easy way to list everything in a package from within R?
For example, if I type foreach::: and hit tab twice, I can see everything that's there.
How else can I get those names of objects?

Note, ls("package:foreach", all.names=TRUE) does not show things like .foreachGlobals

ls("package:foreach", all.names=TRUE) only shows what's attached to the search path, which only includes the objects exported from the namespace. Use ls on the results of getNamespace instead:

ls(getNamespace("foreach"), all.names=TRUE)

A utility that I've been using which I find useful for this (and also gives some other helpful things) such as:

ls(get('.__NAMESPACE__.', envir = asNamespace('ggplot2', base.OK = FALSE),
       inherits = FALSE))
[1] "dynlibs"   "exports"   "imports"   "lazydata"  "path"      "S3methods" "spec"     

to access all exported and internal variables in the NAMESPACE, ie,



# [1] ".__C__Scales"                     ".__global__"                     
# [3] ".__NAMESPACE__."                  ".__S3MethodsTable__."            
# [5] ".all_aesthetics"                  ".base_to_ggplot"                 
# [7] ".element_tree"                    ".onAttach"                       
# [9] ".packageName"                     ".plot_store" 
# ...

to access only exported, ie,


lsp(ggplot2, 'exports')

# $exports
# [1] "%+%"                       "%+replace%"               
# [3] "aes"                       "aes_all"                  
# [5] "aes_auto"                  "aes_q"                    
# [7] "aes_string"                "annotate"                 
# [9] "annotation_custom"         "annotation_logticks"    
# ...

for the library path

lsp('ggplot2', 'path')

# $path
# [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library/ggplot2"

for data included in packages

lsp('ggplot2', 'lazydata')

# $lazydata
# [1] "diamonds"     "economics"    "midwest"      "movies"       "mpg"         
# [6] "msleep"       "presidential" "seals"  

for S3 methods

lsp('ggplot2', 'S3methods')

# $S3methods
# [,1]                         [,2]                       [,3]                              
# [1,] "+"                     "gg"                       ""                            
# [2,] "["                     "uneval"                   "[.uneval"                        
# [3,] "as.character"          "uneval"                   "as.character.uneval"             
# [4,] "autoplot"              "default"                  "autoplot.default"                
# [5,] "coord_aspect"          "default"                  "coord_aspect.default"            
# [6,] "coord_aspect"          "fixed"                    "coord_aspect.fixed"              
# [7,] "coord_aspect"          "map"                      ""                
# [8,] "coord_aspect"          "polar"                    "coord_aspect.polar"              
# [9,] "coord_aspect"          "quickmap"                 "coord_aspect.quickmap" 
# ...

to see everything


# pages and pages


lsp <- function(package, what, pattern) {
  if (!is.character(substitute(package)))
    package <- deparse(substitute(package))
  ns <- asNamespace(package)
  if (missing(pattern))
    pattern <- '.*'

  ## base package does not have NAMESPACE
  if (isBaseNamespace(ns)) {
    res <- ls(.BaseNamespaceEnv, all.names = TRUE)
    return(res[grep(pattern, res, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)])
  } else {
    ## for non base packages
    if (exists('.__NAMESPACE__.', envir = ns, inherits = FALSE)) {
      wh <- get('.__NAMESPACE__.', inherits = FALSE,
                envir = asNamespace(package, base.OK = FALSE))
      what <- if (missing(what)) 'all'
      else if ('?' %in% what) return(ls(wh)) 
      else ls(wh)[pmatch(what[1], ls(wh))]
      if (!is.null(what) && !any(what %in% c('all', ls(wh))))
        stop('\'what\' should be one of ',
             paste0(shQuote(ls(wh)), collapse = ', '),
             ', or \'all\'', domain = NA)
      res <- sapply(ls(wh), function(x) getNamespaceInfo(ns, x))
      res <- rapply(res, ls, classes = 'environment',
                    how = 'replace', all.names = TRUE)
      if (is.null(what))
        return(res[grep(pattern, res, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)])
      if (what %in% 'all') {
        res <- ls(getNamespace(package), all.names = TRUE)
        return(res[grep(pattern, res, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)])
      if (any(what %in% ls(wh))) {
        res <- res[[what]]
        return(res[grep(pattern, res, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)])
    } else stop(sprintf('no NAMESPACE file found for package %s', package))

I also like it because it shows how useful rapply can be :}

Revolution R Enterprise (free for Academic use) is an editor/debugger/GUI for R which has an 'Object Browser' window open on startup by default. Clicking on a package allows you to see all of its contents including classes and environments. I find this quite helpful.