What does GitHub for Windows' "sync" do?

With GitHub for Windows, you can "publish" a branch, and then "sync" that branch to GitHub.

enter image description here

Is the sync basically a git pull and git push? Or is there more to it? If I wanted to do the exact same steps as "sync" from the command line, what should I do?

(It's not Open Source, or I'd just read that.)

Solution 1:

Sync does git pull --rebase and then if there are local changes, it does git push.

From here: http://haacked.com/archive/2012/05/21/introducing-github-for-windows.aspx#87318

Solution 2:

Since the above answer was more than two years ago, an updated answer to this question is: due to some bugs with rebase, the "sync" button does not do git pull --rebase anymore. Instead, it does git pull which will do merge if there are conflicts, according to this release notes (see release 1.3.0).

The link above is not available at this time. Here is the new release notes.