XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++ 7.4

I am having a hard time getting the XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++ running.

I have the newest Notepad++ (v7.4) and the newest XML Tools Plugin (v2.4.9.2 from Sourceforge) both as 64 bit version on Windows 7 (64bit).

First I closed all instances of Notepad++. Then, I copied the XMLTools.dll to the plugins folder of my Notepad++ installation and the dependencies (libs) alongside the notepad++.exe as described in the install.txt.

When I start Notepad++ I get the following error message:

%1 is not a valid Win32 application. XMLTools.dll is not compatible with the current version Notepad++

Error Message after "installing" the XML Tools Plugin to Notepad++ v7.4:


An hour of googling and trying different versions of XML Tools and even Notepad++ v7.3.1 didn't get me any further. Can anyone help me with this?

Here is my Notepad++ debug info:

Notepad++ v7.4   (64-bit)
Build time : May 14 2017 - 21:02:35
Path : D:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll 

Solution 1:

First. You must have correct plugins. To Notepad++ 64-bit you must download XML Tools for 64-bit. Simple.

Second. The main folder for plugins in Windows 10 64-bit is in "C:\Users{win_user}\AppData\Local\Notepad++"

Third. In Notepad++ 7.6 or later versions, plugins must have additional subfolder. For Exapmple: "{main_notepad_folder}/plugins/XMLTools/XMLTools.dll" and dependencies are in main folder.

Solution 2:

I got the version of the XML tools to work with Notepad++ version 7.4.1 on Windows 10 64-bit by doing the following.

Make sure you have the 64-bit version of the tools. (My first mistake)

Copy the XMLTools.dll file to the plugins directory.

In the download there should be a dependencies folder. Copy all the files in there (I believe there were 6) into the Notepad++ working folder (where the exe file is)

Restart Notepad++

Solution 3:

Did you follow the installation instructions in 'install.txt'?

Important is you also copy external dll's:

  1. copy new external dll either into npp main folder (same folder than "notepad++.exe") or in %appdata%\Notepad++ folder:
    • libcurl.dll
    • libiconv-2.dll
    • libwinpthread1-dll
    • libxml2-2.dll
    • libxslt-1.dll
    • zlib1.dll

Solution 4:

I have just had the same problem. It seems to be a bug for this application. I have solved doing the next steps:

  • Install Notepad++ version 7.3.3.
  • Install the xmlTools plugin (v2.4.9 currently).

Now, the plugin works succesfully. The most important thing, you can now upload the Notepad++ version to the latest (currently, version 7.5.6). The plugin still working succesfully.