Make Chrome's Omnibar behave more like the Firefox AwesomeBar

I've also been looking for a way to fix/augment Chrome's Omnibar which still falls short of Firefox's Awesomebar in functionality esp. in handling items from my history.

In the same line as mlsteeve's solution, I added History Search as a shortcut item. I did so by:

  • Right Clicking in the Omnibar > "Edit Search Engines"
  • Add Chrome's History handler as a search engine
  • Name: History
  • Keyword: hs
  • URL: chrome://history/#q=%s

It is not a perfect solution but it works well enough for my needs. Now you can quickly search your history by typing hs TAB in the Omnibar. The bonus is that your results are a little more detailed than in the URL bar.

The FauxBar Extension brings FireFox' Navbar behavior to Chrome/Chromium.

While unfortunately it does not replace the Omnibar, it creates an own navbar inside new tabs/windows and allows you to configure Chrome to autofocus that bar, which has that pleasant AwesomeBar feel to it.

  1. Enter about:flags in the omnibar
  2. Enable the option - 'Enable better omnibox history matching'

If you right click on the address bar in chrome, and click on "Edit Search engines...", you can setup rules like the ones you mentioned.

I'll use the "inbox" rule as an example. In the "Edit search engines" dialog, click "Add", For Name enter "inbox", keyword ="inbox", and URL="". Now whenever you type "inbox" into the omnibar, it will take you to I'm sure you can do something similar with stackoverflow.