Limiting Memory of Snap Packages
Some snaps (cough Slack) will given the opportunity eat up an almost unlimited amount of memory. In the pre-slack post systemd world I could create a namespace, limit it's memory/cpu etc... and force slack to not eat the world by executing it inside of that namespace.
What's the proper way to add a similar limit to a Snap Package? Since snaps are already exectuted inside of some cgroup wizardry I'm hoping its as simple as a snap modify <snappackage> -addmemlimit 1G
or something.
Solution 1:
It is possible, but experimental, through the use of the quota groups feature. You have to create a quota group with resource limits (for now, only the memory resource limit is available), and attach one or more snaps to that quota group :
- Enable the experimental feature :
snap set system experimental.quota-groups=true
- Create the quota group w/snaps attached :
snap set-quota --memory=4GB memlimit firefox
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