Usage of "to" in the statement

Is there any difference between the two statements below? If yes, please let us know the difference.

I sent him a note yesterday

I sent a note to him yesterday

If both the statements are grammatically correct, what is the difference and when to use them? Does the word order above really change the meaning of the sentence?

Solution 1:

Your two examples have the same meaning. The difference between the two forms is simply a matter of which verbs could be used. For instance:

CORRECT — I made him a cake yesterday

INCORRECT — I made a cake to him yesterday

"Sent" works in both places and, therefore, both sentences have the same meaning.

The reason "sent" works in both places has to do with which prepositions work with which verbs:

sent: to, from, etc.

made: for, out of, etc.

This means that the sentence would have a different meaning if you used a different preposition:

I sent him a note yesterday

I sent a note from him yesterday

The only reason your original examples have the same meaning is that "to" is the "default" preposition in that context.