Backups to google drive failing with RedirectMissingLocation error
Trying to set up an initial backup in Ubuntu 18.04 on google drive with a deja-dup installed as follows due to a known authentication error:
snap install deja-dup --classic --beta
The backup fails at the very end with the following error:
Backup Failed
Giving up after 5 attempts. RedirectMissingLocation: Redirected but the response is missing a Location:header
It sounds like the error reported here, caused by a broken httplib2 version 0.15.0, however my httplib2 version is 0.9.2 according to apt and pip3.
edit: updated httplib2 to 0.17.0 through pip3, but to no avail. Backup still fails at the very end after running for several hours and uploading 80GB onto google drive.
edit2: installed google-auth-httplib2 through pip3 and restarted laptop, but to no avail either.
edit3: installed google-auth-httplib2 through pip and restarted laptop, but again to no avail. Is there a way to check which httlplib2 Backup is using and to get some debug output?
Solution 1:
There was a bug with httplib2, the developers released a hotfix for it. See here
As you have the snap version, it doesn't make a difference what dependencies you have installed, all dependencies are resolved in the Snap.
As such the accepted solution is wrong, their instructions will only affect users who do have deja-dup installed from the apt repository.
Solution 2:
There are broken dependencies in duplicity
First install librsync-dev
apt install librsync-dev
and than in order:
pip3 install httplib2
pip3 install google-auth-httplib2
pip3 install duplicity
pip3 install apiclient
pip3 install PyDrive
Now I have perfectly running duplicity backup with GD
google-auth-httplib2 (0.0.3) - Google Authentication Library: httplib2 transport
INSTALLED: 0.0.3 (latest)
httplib2 (0.17.0) - A comprehensive HTTP client library.
and duplicity:
duplicity 0.8.11