SVN icon overlays not showing properly

In my case, Dropbox overlays were starting with a " (quoted identifier) in the registry. I deleted all the " prefixes and restarted explorer.exe.


Edit: I installed Windows 10 and this solution didn't work for me. So I just went to the same registry location and deleted all Google and SkyDrive records and restarted explorer.exe.

Second edit: After installing TortoiseGit it fixed everything without any customisation.

To fix this go to TortoiseSVN > settings > Icon Overlays > Status cache changed from default to shell.

If the drive A or B is used check the Drive type as A and B.

This is, unfortunately a quite common problem on Windows where the icons are either not updated or rather disappearing. I find it quite annoying. It usually is fixed by either refreshing the Windows folder (F5) or, by doing a SVN Clean up,

Right click on the folder ->  TortoiseSVN -> Clean up... 
Select Clean up working copy status

I have never been able to solve this permanently, this is only a work-around. Keeping TortoiseSVN on the latest version may or may not help.

Note that the clean up will only clean up your local working copy, it wont do anything to the actual repository. Its a safe operation.

Apparently this is not enough according to your comment. Do you have lots of other programs that are also using overlay icons? If so maybe you can find a solution in this thread: TortoiseSVN icons not showing up under Windows 7? The second most voted answer also deals with network drives etc. Its a good read.

Also, have you rebooted your computer after the install? From the TortoiseSVN FAQ:

You rebooted your PC of course after the installation? If you haven't please do so now. TortoiseSVN is a windows Explorer Shell extension and will be loaded together with Explorer.


Otherwise, try doing a repair install (and reboot of course).

The problem I was having is that drop box was putting its overlays in at a higher priority than SVN

They both put spaces on the beginning of the entries to push them to the top of the list in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\

The following article explains this more fully and shows how to fix it.

However as dropbox gets updated relativity frequently on my machine, and I rarely update Tortoise SVN I would suggest just appending spaces to the tortoise entries to push them up the list, otherwise you'll have to do all this again when a dropbox software update is installed.

Following are steps :

  1. Run “regedit” and locate: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\"

  2. rename the folders in order you want (trick use 01_, 02_ as prefixes)

  3. terminate explorer.exe from task manager and re-run explorer.exe task.

You will see that overlays are shown where you did not see them initially as per preferences given