Converting from GLSurfaceView to TextureView (via GLTextureView)
1) Start with the source code of the GLSurfaceView, name the file
2) Change the header to: GLTextureView extends TextureView implements SurfaceTextureListener
3) Rename constructors to GLTextureView. Remove code from init() method.
4) Organize imports. Always choose the non-GLSurfaceView option.
5) Find every instance of SurfaceHolder and change it to a SurfaceTexture
6) Add Unimplemented methods for the SurfaceTextureListener, each method should be as follows:
- onSurfaceTextureAvailable - surfaceCreated(surface)
- onSurfaceTextureDestroyed - surfaceDestroyed(surface), (return true)
- onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged - surfaceChanged(surface, 0, width, height)
- onSurfaceTextureUpdated - requestRender()
7) There should be one line where there is a call being made to getHolder(), change that to getSurfaceTexture()
8) In the init() method, put the following line setSurfaceTextureListener(this)
Then add an OnLayoutChangeListener
and have it call surfaceChanged(getSurfaceTexture(), 0, right - left, bottom - top)
With that you should be able to replace your GLSurfaceView code with GLTextureView
and receive the benefits of GLTextureView
. Also make sure your app supports Hardware Acceleration and that your Renderer extends GLTextureView
A minor addition to Mr. Goodale's brilliant answer:
The 4.1.1 version of GLSurfaceView seems to have been modified to avoid rendering on a zero-width/height surface, I think. And there doesn't seem to be a gratuitous onSurfaceTextureChanged notification immediately following onSurfaceTextureAvailable.
If you start with the 4.1.1 sources, onSurfaceTextureAvailable needs to read as follows:
public void onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture surface, int width,
int height)
this.surfaceChanged(surface, 0,width,height);
Other than that, I was up and running in about five minutes flat! Thanks.
Thanks Mr. Goodale's and Mr. Davies for answers!
I have some extra about conversion GLSurfaceView to GLTextureView. The first is about render mode. As described there just remove the requestRender() call in onSurfaceTextureUpdated.
The second is about
mGLESVersion = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.opengles.version", ConfigurationInfo.GL_ES_VERSION_UNDEFINED);
Just use link, but you need Context to do context.getClassLoader();
You can call reflection version of getInt from init() and save result in static field
sGLESVersion = getInt(getContext(), "ro.opengles.version",ConfigurationInfo.GL_ES_VERSION_UNDEFINED);
And the last easiest change is about EGLLogWrapper.getErrorString(error); Just copy getErrorString from EGLLogWrapper sources.
See the final version of my conversion GLSurfaceView to GLTextureView on GitHub Gist
If you want to copy/paste a ready-made class, I wrote one here:
You can call setRenderer(GLSurfaceView.Renderer), like with a GLSurfaceView.