Skyrim character freezing repeatedly

I'm in Korvanjund on the Jagged Crown quest, and my character has started freezing up randomly.

By 'freezing', I mean: my character will suddenly stop, sheathe weapons and then just stand frozen in the idle pose. I can't use inventory/magic/favourites menus, I can't move or draw my weapons. I can use the quest menu and move the camera.

The other NPCs on the quest continue to move, and fight enemies, but enemies ignore me completely (even if I was fighting one when it happened).

This is the first time this has ever happened, and I've been using this character and set of mods for a while. The first time it happened I had been playing for an hour or so, but when I load a save it happens shortly after loading (almost immediately to a few minutes).

Any ideas? The wiki pages for this area and quest don't list it as a known bug. Is there a console code I could use to reset myself?

Solution 1:

Googling a variety of different search terms eventually brought me to this thread where someone had, through a process of elimination, identified vibMUTEXSCT.pex in the scripts folder as the culprit.

Moving this file out of the folder allowed me to finish the quest, though I still need to work out which mod this file is from to disable it.

Edit: turned out to be Immersive Beds. (I worked this out by scrolling through my mod list in Wrye Bash looking at the file list in the right-hand pane for each)

Solution 2:

Try these fixes (from the UESP Wiki, "Skyrim - Glitches" article):

Getting Stuck

  • Sometimes, you will become stuck after a cinematic dialogue. Use the console command, enableplayercontrols to retain your controls.

  • Rarely, it is possible to get stuck between objects, and be unable to move. This can be solved by fast traveling or using the console commands, coc <cellname> or tcl.