Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Delete one.
I've been playing with the build path to no success.
Step #1: Undo all that. If you are messing with the build path, on R16 or higher version of the ADT plugin for Eclipse, you're doing it wrong.
Step #2: Pick one of those two versions of the JAR, or pick the one from the "extras" area of your SDK installation.
Step #3: Put the right JAR in App Library
Step #4: Delete the one from App Free
, since it will pick up that JAR from App Library
You are welcome to instead have the same actual JAR file in both spots (App Free
and App Library
), though that just takes up extra space for no reason.
- Delete android-support-v4.jar from App Free
- Add the same file from App Library to App Free
Above solutions mostly solve the problem. after using these solutions and problem persists. Then
GO to project folder -> libs-> and delete "android-support-v4.jar"
Hoping it would solve your problem as it solved my problem.