Accents in Pacific Rim

In a smililar vein to the question Accents of characters in Downton Abbey:

I recently saw the movie Pacific Rim. One of the conceits of the movie appeared to be that the main characters were all from countries around the Pacific Rim (as those were the countries being attacked). Thus we had pilot teams that were Americans, Russians, Chinese, Australians, and one Japanese.

However, the ex-pilot head of the department was a bit of a mystery to me under this scheme. My first impression based on looks was African-American, but his accent sounded British to me. I know England had a lot of colonies in SE asia, but I don't know of any that have any kind of large Afro-English communities.

I know its just fiction, but for my own mental purposes, what exactly was his English accent, and what Pacific Rim country could he reasonably have hailed from?

After looking into it a bit more, the actor playing the part is in fact British, but that doesn't mean he was trying to do his own native accent.

Solution 1:

According to the Pacific Rim wiki, Stacker Pentecost was born in Tottenham, London, and holds British citizenship.

I don’t know the movie at all, but the wiki also says he is the head of the Hong Kong Shatterdome, so perhaps his native British English has simply been influenced somewhat by Hong Kong’s colonial English accents.