Is there a way to open/import an SVG file with Photoshop CS2 or CS3?

Title pretty much says it all... Is there a way to open/import an SVG file with Photoshop CS2 or CS3? I am on Mac OS X but cross platform solutions are preferred. Illustrator can open SVG files, so I find it odd that Photoshop cannot. I understand Illustrator is vector based, but Photoshop has limited vector capabilities also...

Solution 1:

You can open it in Inkscape (it's free, and export as PNG from there, with the size you prefer.

Solution 2:

Adobe lost all interest in SVG when they bought Flash. Your best bet is to open it in Illustrator and convert it to something else that Photoshop can swallow.

Solution 3:

To use SVG images in Photoshop CS3 try out "SVG Kit for Adobe Creative Suite" from and that is the whole story!