Relative security of SAML vs Kerberos

Does anyone have any info/links on the relative security of SAML vs Kerberos. I believe I grasp the differences between the two, and what they mean for my particular application, but to decide between the two, knowing which is more secure, if either, would be a valuable bit of info.

From the top of my head:

  1. Kerberos is a lan (enterprise) technology while SAML is Internet.
  2. Kerberos requires that the system that requests the ticket (asks for user identity, in a way )is also in the kerberos domain, SAML does not require systems to sign up before.
  3. Kerberos does not reveal any identity information, because it does not know about anything beyond principal name.

In reality, SAML is for web apps and Kerberos is for unix/linux systems having SSO.