Ubuntu hangs at purple screen

Solution 1:

Well AMD Radeon graphics cards (especially the recent ones) are difficult to use with Linux. It happens exactly the same with my AMD Radeon HD6850, until I install the FGLRX proprietary driver package.

To install it, you must go into the Recovery Mode. To do that, hold SHIFT at startup so the GRUB menu is displayed, choose Ubuntu Recovery Mode after that. Choose to mount the disk as read/write, then drop to the root shell with networking (this is very important).

Then do the following commands once you're dropped to the root shell:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade   
sudo apt-get install fglrx    
sudo aticonfig --initial
sudo reboot

If everything worked, you should be fine and see the desktop after this.

Solution 2:

There is a Way Easier Fix...

Just enter "e" after GRUB loads

Then delete $linuxgfxmode from like the 3rd or 4th line down and replace with nomodeset

Winner almost everytime on 11.10 and 12.xx apparently.

Solution 3:

ATI RADEON 512mb Graphics card, (ati) xorg problem.

I have a hd 5670 - I did the following:

  • go to recovery mode
  • sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  • reboot.

If instead it works for you, do the following - backup of your xorg with:

  • sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak
  • install fglrx drivers from amd website

Solution 4:

I had the same problem ,but all of the above tips didn't work. Then I realized the graphics driver was in switchable graphics mode.

When i changed the graphics driver to UMA mode in the BIOS, it worked.