Putting "widgets" on Mac desktop

In some versions of Mac OS X it is possible to detach widgets from the Dashboard and leave them on the desktop.

Enable Dashboard Development Mode

  1. Launch Utilities > Terminal.app
  2. Issue the command defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode YES
  3. Issue the command killall Dock
  4. Quit Terminal.app
  5. Display the Dashboard; using the F12 key
  6. Click and hold on a widget
  7. Hide the Dashboard; using the F12 key
  8. In development mode, the widget remains visible and can now be positioned on the Desktop

These steps were originally for Mac OS X 10.4 but this technique is reported to still work with 10.8, Mountain Lion.

First you have to go to System Prefrences>Mission Control and uncheck Show Dashboard as a Space... This still works, killall Dock after moving widgets to desktop