MInimize all windows except active

Solution 1:

Select Hide Others from the active application menu, or use shortcut alt ⌥+cmd ⌘+H

Solution 2:

Not the straightest way to accomplish it, but better than "hide others" or "buy 3rd party app".

  • Go to "Window" menu to get a notion of what name or number your current window has;

  • Minimize them all: M (or just hold to get "All" while at "Window" menu);

  • Then, while you still have minimized app's active focus, you can either press control to get preview of its windows or you can try finding window you need using windows list in "Window" menu.

P. S. Not strictly necessarily but rather useful to have window minimisation effect changed from Genie to Scale (I'd prefer to turn off animation at all but unlikely there's such an option); Genie is noticeably (more) slow when you have a bunch of windows minimizing at once