How can I have optional parameters in Symfony2 route?

I have this code below:

 * Lists all User entities.
 * @Route("/{cid}",defaults={"cid" = null},name="user")
 * @Template()
public function indexAction($cid=null)

Now if I type site/user/1 then it works, but if I type site/user/ it says:

No route found

How can I have it that both routes work?

Solution 1:

Try to go to site/user (notice no backslash at the end).

Generally it should work, I have relatively similar configuration working.

But if all else fails you can always define multiple routes for same action, i.e.

 * Lists all User entities.
 * @Route("/", name="user_no_cid")
 * @Route("/{cid}", name="user")
 * @Template()
public function indexAction($cid=null)

Solution 2:

Use a yml file for your routing configuration, and add a default value for id in your routing parameters like this:

  pattern:   /site/user/{id}
  defaults:  { _controller: YourBundle:Default:index, id: 1 }

See documentation here

Solution 3:

You could also do it with a GET parameter, e.g.

 * @param Request $request
 * @return Response
public function displayDetailAction(Request $request) : Response
    if ($courseId = $request->query->get('courseId')) {