How do I prevent lag in the Nether? [closed]

So I visited the nether in the mod pack Big Dig, and now the game is literally unplayable for me. I get massive lag spikes, and I can't do anything. It is quite horrible.

Is there a way of deleting the nether file out of my save so I could maybe prevent the lag?

I was getting around 100fps before I went to the nether, and I had three quarries running, so I believe that deleting any recollection of going to the nether (besides items) should fix it. I have literally spent like five hours on this world and didn't go to the nether, because I never had to, and now I can't even play.

You could try allocating more memory to minecraft through java. You can make a .bat file in the same map as minecraft.exe with this line:

start /high javaw -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -jar minecraft.exe


java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar "Minecraft.exe"

You could play with the numbers to make it optimal for yourself. Of course you can not allocate more space then your system supports. To find out r-mouse on "my computer" in the start window and press properties. To make a file like this you just create a .txt file, edit it and paste in the line. Then rename the file extension to .bat like minecraft.bat.

You might need to install java SDK or java SE first if you do not have that yet. To see if you ave java or javaw you can open cmd by typing "cmd" in run program and there type in java or javaw, java should give you a list of options javaw should not return anything . Here is some more reference as to how to allocate more memory.

As an addition to the accepted answer, it is possible to configure the JVM arguments directly in the launcher:

  1. Open the Minecraft launcher.
  2. Select the profile you want to configure, or create a new one.
  3. Click "Edit profile".
  4. Enable "JVM Arguments".
  5. Configure the arguments to allocate more memory, for example: "-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M"
  6. Click "Save profile".