Does ‘profile’ have a meaning of ‘identify’ or “read” by appearance?

Time magazine (July 16) carries Maya Angelou’s comment on the Zimmerman Trial under the title, “Maya Angelou reacts to Zimmerman Trial, evokes Civil Rights era.”

It goes as follows;

“Author, poet, and activist Maya Angelou was shaken by the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial, saying it shows “how far we have to go” as a country. “That one man, armed with a gun can actually profile a young man because he is black and end up shooting him dead…It is so painful,” Angelou said in an interview with TIME Monday.”

According to Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, ‘profile’ as a verb is only defined as;

to give or write a description of sb / stg that gives most important information.

Does the word, “profiles” have the meanings such as “identify" or "read" by figure and appearance, which I construe from the text, other than the OALD’s definition? Is it a prevailing usage? What does ‘profile’ here mean specifically?

This is a specific sense of profile meaning ‘to make assumptions about a person's intentions or behavior.’ It is widely used in discussions of crime and law enforcement. Angelou is arguing that Zimmerman assumed that Martin was a criminal on the basis of his skin color, an act known as racial profiling.