Connecting Sony XB900N in Ubuntu 16.04

Solution 1:

First, make sure yours are set into pairing mode. Read the headset manual to find how to do so.

To open a terminal, press Ctrl + Alt + T Now, type bluetoothctl in terminal, you should see the available bluetooth devices

[NEW] Device a1:b2:c3:d4:55:f6 

To pair with the headset, type

pair 00:12:D0:01:F4:E5

Once paired, connect to the headset

connect 00:12:D0:01:F4:E5

Open Settings > Sound and check sound options to see if you are using the correct output device(headset).

Solution 2:

I made it working somehow. Not sure how. I think the problem was with pairing. I disconnected (unpaired) all other devices including my android phone. Then tried again. It got connected in the first attempt but audio was not coming. After trying multiple times connecting and disconnecting the device using bluetooth manager and powering ON and OFF the headset, It's working well now. But I'm afraid if it'll get connect after I reboot my system. I don't have a systematic plan to get it working. It was just trial and error!!