Catching line numbers in ruby exceptions

Solution 1:

p e.backtrace 

I ran it on an IRB session which has no source and it still gave relevant info.

=> ["(irb):11:in `foo'", 
    "(irb):17:in `irb_binding'", 
     "/usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'", 

If you want a nicely parsed backtrace, the following regex might be handy:

p{ |x|   
     x.match(/^(.+?):(\d+)(|:in `(.+)')$/); 

  ["(irb)", "11", "foo"], 
  ["(irb)", "48", "irb_binding"], 
  ["/usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb", "52", "irb_binding"], 
  ["/usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb", "52", nil]

( Regex /should/ be safe against weird characters in function names or directories/filenames ) ( If you're wondering where foo camefrom, i made a def to grab the exception out :

>>def foo
>>  thisFunctionDoesNotExist
>> rescue Exception => e 
>>   return e 
>>x = foo 

Solution 2:

You can access the backtrace from an Exception object. To see the entire backtrace:

p e.backtrace

It will contain an array of files and line numbers for the call stack. For a simple script like the one in your question, it would just contain one line.


If you want the line number, you can examine the first line of the backtrace, and extract the value after the colon.

p e.backtrace[0].split(":").last