Why is my Linux ICA client unable to use the "CTRL" key?

Solution 1:

OK, this is solved. It turns out to be an issue with the Gnome mouse settings (System->Preferences->Mouse). If you have selected "Show position of pointer when the Control key is pressed" then it won't pass Ctrl key presses to Citrix. This doesn't affect any of my other applications, including RDP clients, so I'm not sure why this is an issue for Citrix

Solution 2:

Not sure what happens in your case, because I also use Citrix on Linux and all Ctrl keys work. One thing I know is that Ctrl-F2 sends the next key-stroke to the Linux host. So for instance if you use Gnome, you can minimize the Citrix window by typing Ctrl-F2 followed by Alt-F9 (which is the shortcut for minimizing windows in Linux).

Solution 3:

I have similar problem with Citrix ICA Client under Ubuntu 12.04 and Win7 as a remote system. But Mark's workaround didn't help to me.

I've solved this by changing ~/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini


;KeyboardLayout = (User Profile)


KeyboardLayout = US-International

I suppose that ICA client inadequately choose system keyboard layout, because I have bilingual system locale (EN+RU).