Mysql insert random datetime in a given datetime range

Solution 1:

Here is an example that should help:

        UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 14:53:27') + FLOOR(0 + (RAND() * 63072000))

It uses the date 2010-04-30 14:53:27 as the base, converts that to a Unix timestamp, and adds a random number of seconds from 0 to +2 years to the base date and converts it back to a DATETIME.

It should be pretty close but over longer time periods leap years and other adjustments will throw it off.

Solution 2:

This should work nicely:

SET @MIN = '2010-04-30 14:53:27';
SET @MAX = '2012-04-30 14:53:27';

TIMESTAMPDIFF is used to determine the number of seconds in the date range. Multiply this by a random number between 0-1 results in a random number between 0 and the number of seconds in the range. Adding this random number of seconds to the lower bound of the range results in a random date between the data range bounds.

Solution 3:

This works perfectly even for leap years:

select from_unixtime(
    unix_timestamp('2000-1-1') + floor(
        rand() * (
            unix_timestamp('2010-12-31') - unix_timestamp('2000-1-1') + 1

The idea is simple: Just take a random timestamp between the two timestamps, then convert it to a datetime using from_unixtime. This way you can ensure that each option has equal probability.