How to disable samba authentication

I need to create a samba share with no password authentication. Service is running now, folder is available, but only with password. Here is config

workgroup = workgroup
security = user

comment = share_test
path = /samba-share/share
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no
public = yes

comment = test_guest
path = /samba-share/guest
force user = nobody
force group = nogroup
guest ok = yes
writable = yes
guest account = nobody

How can I fix this config to disable password connection? None of this folders is available without password. For each folder I gave 777 rights just for testing and even that didn't work

Solution 1:

Is that your entire smb.conf or is that only the changes you made to it?

If that is your entire smb.conf you are missing a line in the [global] section that allows guest access:

map to guest = Bad User

A "Bad User" is one which does not have a user name entry in the samba password database like an anonymous guest user. Without that override entry in smb.conf samba defaults to map to guest = Never which pretty much does what it sounds like it would do. It prevents access to all guests.

Add the line in smb.conf and restart smbd: sudo service smbd restart