Why doesn't OS X Spotlight search inside .json files?

I am trying to search a folder for an ID number. The folder contains various different file types. The ID can be found in several .json files, but non of them show up.

If I rename the .json file to .json2 or .jsont then the files show up in the search: enter image description here

If I try and use terminal and mdfind it is the same, .json files wouldn't show up when searching for the ID.

Is there some setting I need to change such that spotlight/mdfind will search inside .json files? Or will I have to rename all files?

Note: Some of the .json files are quite large (~16 MB). Does this matter?

Solution 1:

You could try adding JSON to the Spotlight RichText importer. The process for XHTML is described here, and should be analogous for JSON:
