Was there ever a voiced version of Monkey Island 2?

I have vague memories of Monkey Island 2 being fully voiced, but am worried that I might be slightly delusional.

Was there a voiced version of MI2 (prior to the Special Edition) or did the voice acting start in MI3?

Solution 1:

Wikipedia states that MI3 was the first in the series to feature voice acting:

The Curse of Monkey Island was the first game in the series to feature voice acting.

The MIWiki notes that the voices were added in the special edition:

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge, released 19 years after the original game, uses updated graphics, adds voice-overs by many of the same actors as in the later games, [...]

From my personal memory, I don't recall it having voices. This was somewhat unusual for a CDROM release from Lucasarts, as most of their CDROM releases were talkies...