Airpods 2019 bluettooth pairing problem

Solution 1:

Try adding ControllerMode = bredr to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf file. Restart bluetooth service using the following command sudo systemctl restart bluetooth. Then try repairing with airpods, this worked for me in 19.10.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem. Changing ControllerMode doesn't work.

I Noticed that clicking airpod device to connect makes other devices unavailable to click and Bluetooth manager freezes.

Try to reload Bluetooth service then click connect again and airpods will appear as connected device.

sudo service bluetooth restart 

Connected airpods

Solution 3:

The bluetooth GUI didn't work and ControllerMode did nothing for me. I couldn't get it to pair, I just 'connected' in bluetoothctl and it worked. I fixed it like this:

Start the bluetooth controller in terminal


Inside the bluetoothctl, list the devices that it detects


Find your device. The number XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the name of your device to Ubuntu. Forget about the text "Airpods" or whatever, that just helps you find your number.

Trust your device


Then just connect it

connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

I'm not sure if trusting did anything, but I know it was not trusted before because I ran info XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX and it told me. Not sure if I was already paired or not. Not sure if Airpods were in pairing mode when I connected. Connecting just worked. My ControllerMode is still the default. Type help in bluetoothctl to mess around with it. Ubuntu 20.04