Fox and dog terms as applied to women

My curiosity here arises from the fact that it seems bizarre that "fox" and "dog" (not terribly dissimilar creatures - see Belyaev's fox experiment) would have such opposite meanings when used in reference to women.

According to the online etymology dictionary fox n.

Meaning "sexually attractive woman" is from 1940s; but foxy in this sense is recorded from 1895.

In addition to the noun form, foxy, "stone cold fox" and vixen (a female fox) all carry connotations of sexually-alluring women (though vixen, as seen below, seems to have a more negative origin):

The figurative sense "ill-tempered woman" is attested from 1570s. The spelling shift from -f- to -v- began late 1500s (see V).

Referring to a woman as a dog or a "female dog" is an insult (for the most part).

dog n.

Slang meaning "ugly woman" is from 1930s.

Assuming that humans do not find foxes more sexually attractive than dogs as a matter of course, I'm wondering how the origins of these meanings may have shaped their divergent connotations.

Solution 1:

Throughout history as far as I can tell, female foxes have been depicted as elegant, slim, aloof creatures not easily tamed or caught (but chased) and some women have been wearing fox fur coats.

Dogs are mostly (depicted) as subservient to man and we know what female dogs are called.

Solution 2:

Foxes are personified as sly and cunning, which I believe is linked to the concept of an attractive woman using her allure and sensuality to beguile and trick men into 'falling in lust' with them. It seems to me that it is this characteristic of foxes, rather than physical appearance, that is implied by describing a woman as a fox, or as foxy.