httpclient exception "org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection"

Solution 1:

I had the same problem and I found the fix. This timeout is because of a connection leak. In my case, I'm using httpDelete method and not consuming the response. Instead, I'm checking the status of the response.

The fix is, the response entity needs to be consumed. In order to ensure the proper release of system resources, one must close the content stream associated with the entity.

So I used EntityUtils.consumeQuietly(response.getEntity()); which ensures that the entity content is fully consumed and the content stream, if exists, is closed.

Solution 2:

I have fixed it! add mPost.releaseConnection() in finally blocks.

 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 } finally {

DO update package org.apache.httpcomponents to 4.2.1

Solution 3:

Just put the line where you are getting your response inside try-with-resources and use CloseableHttpResponse instead of HttpResponse like this:

try(final CloseableHttpResponse mHttpResponse = client.execute(mPost);)
 System.out.println("HttpClientTest  ---> get response");
 ....remainder code

The mHttpResponse object will be auto consumed and closed for you

Hope this helps!

Solution 4:

Use a CloseableHttpClient instead of HttpClient. You'll get a CloseableHttpResponse instead of a HttpResponse which support close(). So, when you are done with the response, just close it, no need to close the connection.

CloseableHttpResponse response = closableHttpClient.execute(httpPost, context); what you need to do with it:


Solution 5:

This can also happen if you're using ApacheHttpClient with DropWizard 0.6.2, which behind the scenes creates an MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager with a default configuration - and that default configuration only allowed 2 concurrent http connections at a time more info here.

So with this configuration, if your server is getting swamped and making requests to the same host all the time, you'll have max 2 connections allowed running at a time!