Can mobs activate pressure plates?

I have one pressure plate on each side of my door to get in and out of my house quickly, and if mobs can activate pressure plates, then I'm most likely doomed.

Yes, they can, which makes them fun to set up traps. Source

Yes they can!

I suggest that you use a button for the outside and a pressure plate on the inside, or if you use a wooden door, just use a pressure plate on the inside as you can just click on it to open, and as you go in, the pressure plate closes it. For going outside, it closes itself.

Yes they can indeed, however with some clever usage of redstone wires you can make a switch function as a lock on the door, so you can have it react to the plates when you're working around the house and lock it up at night or when going roaming.

Yeah they can. I use a button now because mobs can't use them.

You should probably get those changed out for safety reasons. According to this mobs can currently activate pressure plates.