Is there a word for "to consider [something] a virtue"?

Solution 1:

The simplest solution would be to say

Randian libertarianism praises selfishness.

I am thinking of the following usage:

v. To express warm approbation of, commendation for, or admiration for.
v. To extol or exalt; worship.

However, I will have to agree with @JLT that extol is probably the most appropriate word here. It is not very common and might be considered pompous in other settings but is particularly well fitted to discussion of religion.

Randian libertarianism extols selfishness.

Solution 2:

Depending on how importunate, or vehement one is, to hold a virtue in high regard importunately or vehemently is to TOUT.

Randian libertarianism touts selfishness as a virtue.


A form of Christian asceticism touts mortification as a virtue.