Hide certain users from login screen greeter (Ubuntu 19.10)

Hi I just finished installing Ubuntu 19.10 on my daughter's computer. I want to hide my own account from the login greeter. I found a way to hide the list of all accounts but that is not really what I want, because that way you need to type the username then and password and it is inconvenient.

Is there a way to only hide certain accounts from the greeter? While still retaining the feature of showing the remaining accounts (not all of them) and just click a user and only type the password?

I've found instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 but they didn't work in 19.10

Thank you


Even though Its a duplicate of How do I hide a particular user from the login screen?

I have just tried it whether its working or not in Ubuntu 19.10 Fresh Install

It worked..

sudo -H nautilus /var/lib/AccountsService/users/

enter image description here

I have a, b, c, & d user accounts while bullet is my own account (Admin)

I would like to hide user a & c

enter image description here

enter image description here

so open file a and c and make SystemAccount field to true.


then logout and login

enter image description here

the same way I have hidden the Admin User also

enter image description here

enter image description here