I use Outlook 2007 at home as an IMAP client and RSS feed reader. I have a problem that when I close outlook, the window exits, but the process remains running. This prevents me from opening outlook again and on Win7 prevents rapid shutdown of my computer.

How can I have Outlook 2007 exit for real?

Edit: Here's what the addins dialog reports

  • Active: None
  • Inactive: MS Outlook Mobile Service, MS VBA for Outlook, OneNote Notes for Outlook Items, Outlook Change Notifier, Windows Search Email indexer.

Have you installed any add-ons? Lookout, Xobni, SpamBayes, etc.... they may be doing housekeeping work when you exit, and the Outlook process lets them keep doing their thing. Here's a list of add-ins that might be causing your problem.

How recently have you updated Outlook? Microsoft Office Service Pack 2 introduced a new mechanism for Outlook to exit, which should solve your problem.

This KB article explains the change and the download is available here

Here's a list of add-ins that might be causing your problem.

I am assuming you also don't have iTunes installed as the COM addin also caused a similiar problem.

There was a known issues with Outlook 2007 exiting, however I can't find the exact knowledge base article. Microsoft Office Service Pack 2 introduced a complete new mechanism for Outlook to exit, which should solve your problem.

This KB article explains the change and the download is available here

You may have an issue with one of your .PST files. There is a way to do a .PST scan that also repairs any issues. I'd give that a try to see if it improves anything.
