Selecting the Real Analysis Textbooks

Other than Rudin's analysis text (the first one), I've read Robert Strichartz's "Way of Analysis". Strichartz gives you a lot of motivation and information for most of the concepts, while Rudin just gives you enough for you to do on your own. I favor Rudin's text much more, since I enjoyed the effort required to fill in the gaps and thereby making you "do" a lot during the reading. Additionally, Rudin has a style that I believe many enjoys, for most of his proofs are elegant and stylish. Strichartz will explain much more during, before, and after a proof, but sometimes I feel that his explanations becomes a bit too wordy and too cloudy over the main point. Take it this way: Would you rather try to find a dull sapphire in a messy hay sac, or find a beautiful diamond hiding in a small pile of needles? (one requires sheer effort for something "okay", while the other requires much more effort and care, but to obtain something rather nice.)

I realize that you want to read a more friendly analysis text before Rudin's, but have you considered reading Rudin's and supplementing it with one of the texts you've mentioned simultaneously? If you read Rudin and find that you have a lot of questions, then use the supplements and this site; questions will only help you.