How can I create a custom terminal command (to run a script)?

A common way people handle this is to make a bin directory in their home directory: mkdir ~/bin

Then, you can put your custom scripts in there: mv start-working ~/bin

Make sure your script is executable: chmod +x ~/bin/start-working

Add this to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc file (if you're using bash, which you probably are): export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

Now log back in and out of your terminal and you should be able to simply type start-working, and your script will execute.

Now that your path is setup, any new scripts you drop into your ~/bin you can just type in the name of.

I was looking how to create custom commands and I found this question among others. I think what I was looking for was for aliases so I'll give you the way to do this with an alias.

On your home folder:

nano .bash_aliases

And there you can write down your commands in one line:

alias start-working='sudo service apache2 start; sudo service mysql start; sublime'

After saving the file reconfigure your bashrc

. ~/.bashrc

And check your new alias is loaded


That's it, you can start working now by running
