19.10 hangs for a few seconds every minute or so

System just hangs (freezes) for a few seconds. Mouse cursor does not move and display does not update, but keyboard buffer fills. Then things are fine again for a minute.

top does not show anything useful that I can see. There are some irqs showing but I do not have enough experience to know if they are excessive.

Lenovo L340 Gaming laptop

Happens regardless of USB devices plugged in and regardless of external monitor.

Happens with Nvidia non-free drivers and without.

System is fine for the first 10 minutes or so and then the hangs become more frequent until the machine is so useless that I have to reboot.

ls -al ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 jennifer jennifer 4096 Oct 22 09:06 .
drwx------ 3 jennifer jennifer 4096 Oct 22 09:38 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 jennifer jennifer 4096 Oct 22 09:06 [email protected]

Solution 1:

I was having the same problem after upgrading to Ubuntu 19.10.

I checked out my /var/log/syslog for clues and I noticed there were a lot of lines regarding iwlwifi even if I was not connected to any Wifi networks.

I disabled my wifi and I had no hangs after that.