Change mouse wheel scroll speed in Chrome on 12.04 (edit starter bar commandline)

I want to increase the mouse wheel scroll speed in Google Chrome on Ubuntu 12.04.

I've read How to change my mouse wheel scroll rate?, I'm on Unity though, how can I edit the commandline for the Chrome icon in the starter bar?

The .desktop files you are looking for are stored in /usr/share/applications/

To change the mouse wheel speed open the .desktop file:
sudo -i gedit /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop

and then go the 'Desktop Entry' section and look for following line (mine is on line 108):

and change it to (you can use any value you like instead of 150):
Exec=/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --scroll-pixels=150 %U

Hint: if you use Chromium instead of Google Chrome, edit the chromium-browser.desktop file ;)