Easy way to install additional spell-check dictionaries for OS X?

Solution 1:

Mac OS X is compatible with the aff/dic open format dictionaries.

All you need to do is to get one dictionary, and place it inside ~/Library/Spelling (you may have to create the directory).

  • Get the Romanian dictionary from OpenOffice (or search for another language)
  • Extract the file using The Unarchiver or rename the extension to .zip and extract it
  • Move the files with the .aff and .dic extensions (ro_RO.aff and ro_RO.dic for Romanian) to your ~/Library/Spelling folder.
  • Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text > Spelling and choose the language of your choice
  • ...boom! you have system-wide spell checking :)

Solution 2:

Are you talking about in e.g. Word or Pages - or are you talking about in Browsers like Safari, FireFox etc. - or just a system wide configuration ??

One solution for a system wide configuration could be to install the cocoAspell dictionaries: http://kitblog.com/2010/10/get_romanian_spell-check_in_osx.html