CSS: Creating textured backgrounds

I am currently struggling with setting an image background for my site that will load fast enough. I have used data url image and even optomized images but its taking to long when loading the page since the backgournd-image is still very large. Is it possible with CSS to create a textured background color like the one in the picture below? here is an EXAMPLE

I try it and have not been able to match this:

enter image description here

with latest CSS3 technology, it is possible to create textured background. Check this out: http://lea.verou.me/css3patterns/#

but it still limited on so many aspect. And browser support is also not so ready.

your best bet is using small texture image and make repeat to that background. you could get some nice ready to use texture image here:


You should try slicing the image if possible into a smaller piece which could be repeated. I have sliced that image to a 101x101px image.

BG Tile


  background-image: url(SO_texture_bg.jpg);

But in some cases, we wouldn't be able to slice the image to a smaller one. In that case, I would use the whole image. But you could also use the CSS3 methods like what Mustafa Kamal had mentioned.

Wish you good luck.