Saving Xbox Live profile picture

Is there a way I can save the Xbox Live profile picture to a PC hard disk? I want to use it as my Gravatar.

Solution 1:

If you go to and login you should see your live profile picture displayed in the top right next to your name displayed in the top right-hand corner as seen below.

alt text

Depending on your browser, you can sometimes right click and save that image. Alternately, you can go to the following URL and find your profile picture:

You should place your profile name where it says PROFILENAMEGOESHERE. For example, you can find mine at:

Some browser may replace any spaces or characters for you, but you may have to replace any spaces in your username with a %20. You can also enter your name here and hit the Encode button to encode your username if it has any special characters in it.

Some other optional images you can grab for your avatar:

  • a smaller version:
  • a EXTRA LARGE version:
  • and a picture of your full avatar