When will Ubuntu 18.04 get kernel version 5.3?

I discussed this in reddit here and linux-wireless kernel mailing list here. This issue is specific to the HP hardware and 5.0.0 kernel used in the LTS distro. The mainline 5.0.21 kernel fixes the issue.

I am just curious if someone can tell me when the 5.3.x kernel will be release for LTS use. Will appreciate any guesstimate on that.

You can install 5.3 at any time on any Ubuntu distribution but that is only recommended when you have new hardware not supported by installed kernels. You can also subscribe to HWE and eventually get 5.3 or even higher.

To install manually you can select from 5.3.1 through 5.3.5 kernels released by Ubuntu:

kernel 5.3.png

For full instructions (and warnings) see:

  • How to update kernel to the latest mainline version without any Distro-upgrade?

Bionic (18.04): Ubuntu - Launchpad is the official place to track the milestones which Ubuntu developers will be targeting or has been achieved till now.

As per the page linked above, 18.04 will get 19.10's kernel (which is version 5.3) on February 6, 2020 with the release of 18.04.4.

But if you want kernel version 5.3 now, you can install it using UKUU but it's not the recommended way.